Nothing like moving your worldly possessions a few hundred miles to make you realize what is important in your life. Hold each item you own in your hands one by one and ask yourself, "is this worth paying a moving company to relocate?"
Feels really, really good to downsize and clear out items that have been hiding in corners.
Who needs a breadmaker when one has two hands and a love for the feel of bread dough between her fingers?
Who needs a mixmaster when one has a whisk and large mixing bowl and loves to feel egg whites forming a peak?
And this self-proclaimed bookworm cleared out the library to make room for new reads and new adventures.
Looking forward to living in North Vancouver with the Pacific Ocean in my "front yard" and the north shore mountains in my "back yard."
SCUBA dive shop picked out, mountain bike trails scoped out, and kayaking destinations on the map. Can't wait...
See you on the trails,